The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made

ROI TTR (Return On Investment, Through The Roof)


Very short but super important video. Being The Wealthy Barber, I’m often asked, “What’s the best investment you’ve ever made?” Easy answer. Investing time and money back into the community. Now, I know you’re saying, “Dave, come on, that’s just a humble brag and virtue signaling.” Hey, I’m not above doing either of those things.

Some of that to come in fact, in the future videos, I’m sure. But, no, that answer was 100% sincere. You know, I’d love to believe the community has benefited from my investments. But I know for a fact, I have benefited tremendously.

You get involved for the right reasons — to help others — but you’re also a big winner.

You feel better about yourself. You tend to learn and grow a lot. You also meet so many wonderful people. The staff at the various charities, the other volunteers, the amazing people in need of assistance whom the initiative, of course, is helping most. A lot of my closest friendships, in fact, started with these types of community involvements.

Invest in your community. Fantastic returns for all involved, including you.

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