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Millions of Canadians Trust The Wealthy Barber

Dan Macdonald
@danmacdonald100I know and have met people all over Canada who have followed the Wealthy Barber, me included. I appreciate everything you have done for financial literacy.

@MCMillionaire3Your book changed my life. Hard to top it. I will never forget reading it for the first time.

Andy Morrisey
@andymorriseyYes to updating Wealthy Barber. That book changed my life!

@jklmbenGreat idea, David! I read “The Wealthy Barber” when it was published. You helped me save for retirement! Thank you for educating the masses.

David Edey
@DavidEEdeyThe OG back at it. Get ready for lots of knowledge bombs

Rohit Mehta
@RohitdoGoodDavid, the Wealthy Barber is needed now more than ever!

Mike Lennox
@lennoxmiI read the Wealthy Barber many years ago and took its advice. So glad I did. I’ve been retired since 2016. It should be required reading in high school.

@scatman2017I can honestly say, The Wealthy Barber book helped me retire early. I am now living in Mexico, living my best life. Thank you, Dave. Your strategy works ☀️🌴😎

Rob Armitage
@rob_armitageGreat idea @wealthy_barber, your book was an amazing springboard for me. I was clueless about finances, investments etc until I read the wealthy barber. An updated version would be ideal.

Lisa Gaetz
@LisaGaetzThe Wealthy Barber was a game changing book for me in my 20's. I still cite some of the practical advice I learned from the original book, decades later. Can't wait to read the updated version!

Kevin Dobson
@kdob77Dave, I have followed your teachings and advice since you wrote the first book - and now I’m retired at 55 ?. Your book and advice was very influential and helpful to me (and now to my 2 sons). Sincere best wishes and thanks.

Samuel Horsman
@samuelhorsmanWhen The Wealthy Barber speaks, you listen. This is game changer! Welcome to TikTok! Looking forward to learn even more from you Sir!

@gschenk30 years ago as I finished college, I read your book and it set me on a life long path to financial security. Your book should be part of every

Alex Kernick
@AWK11236My father gave me your book at 16 and now at 21 I have a maxed out TFSA and I've almost maxed out my FHSA for this year! I think if more young people hear your lessons we'd all be better off!

@Orbey36My favorite go-to book to learn about financial planning and teaching my kids about the importance of saving early and all that compounding good stuff. Such valuable information :)

Ronald Mendonca
@RonaldMendonca4Your book and your advice on your videos are an inspiration to many including me. Keep up the great work

Tracey McGillivray
@TraceyLaurenceYour book guided me through my adult life. Published two years after I finished undergrad, I retired at 53, was able to go back to school for another Masters, started a business (which is on the cusp of commercialization) & supported my parents in their later years. THANK YOU! ❤️

@julie_mg16Best news! So needed. Solid Canadian content from a great dragon! 🔥

Nick Sneider
@nick_sneiderCan’t wait! Your first two books completely changed my views and approach to money. Thank you!
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