Should You Buy an Options Trading Course?

Blunt advice from Dave on whether or not you should buy an options trading course.

Don’t miss the full episode with Richard Coffin (@ThePlainBagel) available on our website, YouTube and all podcasting platforms.


I can give blunt advice to their audience right now. If the course is on trading, trading your way to success. Option trading, your way to success, any of those things, don’t buy it. Just send me the money instead. At least it’s going to a nice person who will do something productive with it. Don’t just give it away to someone else. If somebody truly knew how to trade their way to riches through options, they’re not telling you. It’s going to get arbitraged away by too many people doing it. Plus they wouldn’t need to tell you that’s all silliness. But yet that’s where a lot of the courses have done. Well, there’s that, you know, desire. We all have to make money from our home an hour a day, not have to put any work into it, but sit back and think about it. Obviously that can’t happen. It’s absurd.

Yeah. I think trading courses and even ones that jump right into investing strategies where it’s, or, or analysis, I think maybe it’s, it’s a crude comparison, but it’s, it’s almost like taking a course to do brain surgery. Like you’re missing so much fundamental information to, to just try and get to the, okay, what’s step A, B, C, D to do this brain surgery. Right. And I think that’s, that’s kind of a good way to view the trading courses is you’re really jumping to the conclusion.

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